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One Project / Two Non-Profits


The HMB Sargassum Project is relying on both the non-profit entities below to implement a sargassum mitigation plan for Half Moon Bay:

Yucatán Environmental Foundation

YEF is a US-based non-profit that processes donations to the HMB Sargassum Project from individual donors who care about mitigating the toxic impact of sargassum infestations.  YEF is incorporated as a 501(c)3 in the state of Texas and, in official documentation registered with the state, is described as follows:


"YEF strives to protect the environment in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico, including but not being limited to preservation of life on the offshore reef, protection of aquatic or marine life, encourage better waste disposal programs to prevent oceanic dumping of solid and liquid waste and other substances such as chemicals which would endanger marine life in the peninsula."


YEF can accept donations in any currency made by wire transfer, credit card/PayPal, and personal check.  Please visit the Donate Page to make a tax-deductible donation to YEF.

EcoProteccion Akumal, AC

EPA is a Mexican non-profit established to operate the sargassum barrier (a technology that represents ONE of various sargassum mitigation technologies promoted by the HMB Sargassum Project.)  Although EPA is authorized to issue tax-free invoices for the services they provide to legal businesses based in Mexico, they ARE NOT CURRENTLY authorized to accept tax deductible, charitable contributions from individual donors. 

EPA is incorporated as an "asociacion civil" in the state of Quintana Roos and and, in official documentation registered with the state, is described as follows:


"ECOPROTECCIÓN AKUMAL A.C., es una asociación sin fines de lucro cuyo objeto social es promover entre la población la prevención y control de la contaminación del agua, del aire y del suelo, la protección al ambiente y la preservación y restauración del equilibrio ecológico.  ECOPROTECCIÓN AKUMAL A.C. se suma de manera voluntaria, sin fines de lucro, a los esfuerzos para la contención y retiro de sargazo mediante la instalación de BARRERAS FLOTANTES PARA LA REDIRECCIÓN DEL SARGAZO con las especificaciones técnicas y de manejo para la remoción del sargazo que llega específicamente a la Bahía de la Media Luna, C.P. 77776, localidad de Akumal, estado de Quintana Roo, en inglés como Half Moon Bay o la abreviación HMB, que se describe en el presente documento y anexos."


Businesses based in Mexico that wish to support the HMB Sargassum Project by helping pay for the barrier operations services provided by EPA should send their RIF and other financial info
to <> and request an invoice to cover the cost of deflecting sargassum away from the federal zone beach.

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