Donation Payment From:
Property / Business Name:
Donor Name:
Donation Amount $:
Use the link below to donate online via Paypal, Debit or Credit Card.
Las donaciones en Pesos para el proyecto de la barrera HMB son gestionadas por:
Medio Ambiente y Reciclado, A.C. (MAR)
A la atencion de Doris Marie Ann Constandse Zicke
Calle Miguel Hidalgo, Manzana 11,
Lote 02, Alfredo V. Bonfil,
C.P. 77560,
Cancún, Quintana Roo.
Favor de hacer las donaciones via transferencia bancaria utilizando los siguientes datos:
Titular: Medio Ambiente y Reciclado AC
Clabe: 143180000034052063​
Banco: CIBanco
Referencia: Proyecto Barrera HMB
Factor de conversion de dolares a pesos: 20.0
(ejemplo: USD 5,000 * 20 = 100,000 Pesos)
Importante: Enviar confirmacion de la transferencia a:
incluyendo el nombre del donatario.
Tax-Deductible Donations in US Dollars
To save on payment processing fees, we urge you to make your contribution via ACH or wire transfer if possible. Donations may also be paid via check or as an online payment via this link.
The recipient of your donation is:
The Yucatan Environmental Foundation (YEF)
c/o Kim Freeark
304 Fairbank Rd
Riverside, IL 60546
YEF is administered by Kim Freeark who can reached at As soon as your contribution is processed, Kim will send you a 501(c)3 receipt verifying that the full amount of your donation is tax deductible in the United States.
You can usually initiate a bank-to-bank wire transfer through your online bank account. You’ll need to provide the details below about YEF.
For Transfers from a US Bank (ACH)
Yucatan Environmental Foundation (YEF)
Bank Name: US Bank National Association
Routing #: 071904779
Account #: 199379112667
Reference: "HMB Barrier" plus the name of your property or business (eg. Luna Azul #5)
Recipient name & email: Kim Freeark,
Address: 304 Fairbank Road Riverside IL 60546
For Transfers from an International Bank (Wire)
Yucatan Environmental Foundation (YEF)
Bank Name: US Bank National Association
Account #: 199379112667
Reference: "HMB Barrier" plus the name of your property or business (eg. Luna Azul #5)
Recipient name & email: Kim Freeark,
Address: 304 Fairbank Road Riverside IL 60546
Checks should be made out to the Yucatan Environmental Foundation and mailed to the address above. Please also write "HMB Barrier" in the memo field along with the name of your property or business. For example: HMB Barrier, Luna Azul #5